
Welcome to our latest innovation - a comprehensive SaaS Website Builder and Project Management platform, meticulously crafted for agencies and sub-accounts. This platform is not just a tool; it's a game-changer for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and optimize their internal workflows. Powered by the most advanced technologies, including Next.js 14 and Bun, our solution offers unparalleled speed and efficiency.

Next.js 14: Cutting-Edge Framework

Built on Next.js 14, our platform harnesses the latest in web development technology. Expect dynamic, static, and server-rendered applications that load at lightning speed, enhancing both user experience and search engine rankings.

Bun: The Speed You Need

Leveraging the Bun runtime, we ensure that your applications run faster and more efficiently than ever before. Bun's cutting-edge approach to JavaScript execution dramatically reduces load times, making your projects swift and responsive.

Stripe Connect: Seamless Financial Transactions

Integration with Stripe Connect transforms the way you handle financial transactions. Whether it's billing clients or managing subscriptions, our platform simplifies the process, ensuring secure and seamless payment operations.

// Integrating Stripe Connect for seamless payment processing
const stripe = require('stripe')(process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY);
const createStripeSession = async (customerId, priceId) => {

      const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
        customer: customerId,
        payment_method_types: [’card’],
        line_items: [{
          price: priceId,
          quantity: 1,
        }, ],
        mode: ‘subscription’,
        success_url: ‘https: //’
          cancel_url: ‘https: //’

      return session.url;

Prisma: Robust Database Management

With Prisma, our platform offers a reliable and efficient database management system. This ensures that your data is not only secure but also easily accessible, allowing for smooth and scalable growth.

MySQL: Reliable Data Storage

Our choice of MySQL for data storage guarantees a solid foundation for your projects. Known for its reliability and performance, MySQL supports our platform's need for high-volume data handling without compromising speed.

Features at a Glance

  • Stripe Account Connection: Easily connect your Stripe account to manage payments and subscriptions directly within the platform.
  • Product Syncing: Synchronize your products with ease, ensuring your offerings are always up-to-date across all platforms.
  • Custom Website and Funnel Creation: Build unique websites and funnels from scratch. Our intuitive design tools and templates make it simple to craft professional-looking sites without any coding knowledge.
  • Custom Subdomains: Host your projects on custom subdomains within the app, providing a personalized and professional touch to your online presence.
  • Dive Into a New Era of Web Development

    Our SaaS Website Builder and Project Management platform is more than just a tool - it's a pathway to transforming your agency's online presence and workflow efficiency. Embrace the future of web development and join us in this exciting journey. Let's build something remarkable together.

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